Phentabz RX Reviewed | Best 2014 OTC Phentermine Alternative

I have a friend that tried Phentabz RX and was convinced that it was the sole reason she lost all her pregnancy weight so quickly. I am a HUGE skeptic in diet pills and find them to be a big cash grab in most cases and not worth the negative side effects they give you (they all are over stimulating and heating up your body or providing unnatural highs that aren’t normal in my opinion). I kind of argued with her that she must have been exercising lots and not eating as many calories or at least bad calories now, but she persisted that she doesn’t believe she could have done without Phen Tabz RX and that even though she did change her diet and exercises a bit more, it’s because of the appetite suppressant and energy effect of this diet pill.

I’m not quite sold yet and have been looking for some more unbiased Phentabz RX reviews and research before considering trying it myself to help me kick start my new year’s resolutions and get the momentum going. Is this not widely available or known? There isn’t much information available on it and I can’t seem to find anywhere to buy it online or in stores, even the ingredient and nutrient profile seem to be obscured by the company’s proprietary formula labeling…
Any advice or fingers pointing in the direction of more information and reviews would be much appreciated internet world! She swears this works, but I don’t want to go ahead and order it without more info, I know tons of people that are supplement, herb and vitamin junkies and never seem to progress in their goals at all!

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